
Support the Arts

When you donate to the Stulberg International String Competition, you not only donate to a great experience of musical competition, but you also are investing in the future of young musicians. Your tax deductible donation supports youth and music education that has long-lasting effects on the musical world. We greatly appreciate any donations that we receive as they help us to continue to provide a wonderful opportunity to deepen community engagement with the arts.

Donate Online

Donate by Check

Please open the pdf form below, print, complete, and mail with your check made payable to the Stulberg String Competition to:

Stulberg International String Competition
359 S. Kalamazoo Mall, Suite 14
Kalamazoo, MI  49007

Check Donation Form

Corporate Gift Matching

Many organizations will financially match donations made by their employees to charitable organizations. Please check with your employer to see if they have a corporate gift matching program.